‘How to Get Away with Murder’ season 3, episode 8: Who’s NOT under the sheet?

HTGAWM -How to Get Away with Murder” loves to take its time with some of its various reveals, and on Thursday night’s new episode, and did so yet again by continuing along the process of elimination as to who is not under the infamous sheet.

Ladies and gentleman, Connor is alive! Unfortunately, his whereabouts are the sort of thing that will likely drive ‘shippers of Connor and Oliver completely into a tizzy. His survival at least does mean that the two parties have a little bit of hope for the future in the midst of what is going to be a heck of a crazy ending to the first portion of this season. It was already crazy tonight — after all, just remember that moments before we learned about Connor’s fate, we also had a tense stand-off that included Annalise Keating shouting at Frank, telling him to go ahead and pull the trigger if he so wanted to do so.

After watching tonight’s episode, though, we’re a little more convinced than ever that it is Frank who is gone, given that we don’t quite know how in the world he ends up having a story beyond this. We could easily see him putting a gun to his own head after all he’s been through, and the story trying to move forward from there. Beyond that, who else do you go after? Nate? Nothing else seems to make as much sense or have the overall weight to it.

We will say this: Even if we’re right and it is Frank who is gone, we’re okay with it being predictable since the death will have been earned. That’s a million times better in our book than throwing something out for shock value.

Want further news on “How to Get Away with Murder”? Then be sure to head over to the link here! That link also should direct you over to a preview for what is coming up a little bit later this season. (Photo: ABC.)

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