‘Big Brother OTT’ spoilers: Head of Household drama and accusations galore
Is “Big Brother: Over the Top” rigged? We’re certainly seeing plenty of accusations of that today for a couple of reasons.
First, it began with everything we spoke about last night, with Morgan receiving a Care Package from America that gave her far more power than the standard Power of Veto. We do think that is something that CBS should’ve clarified before the voting was complete, since it did have some influence into it, but it’s a big reach to say that executive producer Allison Grodner pressed the big red button to keep both of the Ballsmashers in the game. If Justin had won the Care Package, it’d look as if the twist was rigged towards the Misfits — and we do believe the rules would’ve been the same.
While there may not be a precise precedent for a Veto that keeps both you safe and gives you a chance to Veto someone else — it’s almost like a Veto and a coup d’etat combined — this is hardly the first time that CBS has introduced a twist that, by nature, is unfair. It’s just part of the game.
The latest bit of controversy erupted overnight when the Head of Household Competition unfolded, and we still don’t have a winner for it. Why? During Shelby’s run at the end the equipment in the challenge (specifically, a mirror) became faulty, rendering her to have a near-impossible time to do it properly. The question here is whether or not she would’ve been able to complete it faster than Jason had that not happening. We’re not sure that she would have, but we’re also not sure CBS will be playing the what-if game on that. Our guess is either they’ll go ahead and give it to Jason or make everyone compete in a new challenge. If Shelby’s already run it, than it’s a step too far to have her be able to go do it again.
We understand especially if you’re a fan of Jason / the Misfits that you feel like production’s working against you. Maybe they are invested in trying to keep two sides of the house to keep things lively. However, do you really think that they care about who wings given that they haven’t cared enough to even get the rules right for certain things online during the season? We do think that they will do what they can to help certain players sometimes (see Frank in season 14, Rachel in season 13, or Team America in season 16), but at the same time they don’t outright proclaim someone the winner. You still gotta earn it at the end, and they can only do so much.
Remember, regardless of who wins Head of Household this week is all about America’s nominee. If Shelby wins power, you can still nominate Morgan and have her go home. It’s not the end of the world. (Photo: CBS.)
November 18, 2016 @ 6:34 pm
Dana is 100% right.
November 10, 2016 @ 5:08 pm
The misrepresentation of the Veto to the public is beyond BS. Have there been twists with the veto before? Yes. However, America has never been given the power to vote on who gets the veto. If the veto had played out as it was advertised on the CBS website it wouldn’t have been a big deal to LNJ fans not to have won the CP. A lot of people knew by the way the CP was advertised that it didn’t matter who won it because a Plastic would be going home regardless as long as a LNJ member was HOH. As a result of this many people didn’t vote at all because it shouldn’t have been the bombshell that it was. Also, let’s not forget that CBS servers obviously couldn’t handle the voting volume anyway since many were unable to vote during the 1 hour window and ended up with the “Benny Broke it Screen”. Throw on top of that the information that CBS released earlier in the day yesterday about the CP being available to all the HGs and then coming back later to change it again…that’s bad business…period. I and many other fans are very disappointed.
Matt Carter
November 10, 2016 @ 6:52 pm
I do think that the entire drama was TERRIBLY mishandled and production has nobody to blame but themselves. While I don’t think it was specifically done to rig the show for Ballsmashers, the suspicion of that is the aftermath of the decision and production has to own that.