‘Big Brother OTT’ spoilers: The Veto Ceremony and immediate aftermath
We knew going into the “Big Brother: Over the Top” Veto Ceremony on Tuesday that there were going to be some fireworks — probably not on the level with the fireworks that are outside the house today, but fireworks nonetheless.
Of course, this all went according to Jason’s plan — he nominated Morgan as a replacement nominee, and in the process took Danielle on the block. From here, we had a competition of the petty vs. the petty. Jason intentionally wanted to make the Ballsmashers feel worse by approaching them last night and giving them false hope, and that’s without mentioning a booger-flicking incident from last night. Meanwhile, Justin called Alex, Shelby, and Morgan “suckers” before walking away, which is a pretty mean thing to do and we legitimately like Justin most of the time.
Meanwhile, the Ballsmashers are of course all extremely-salty in their own way and trying to bring up everything terrible that Jason and company have done in the game. They also went out and confronted Whitney, which isn’t a great look for them given that Whitney’s not exactly confrontational and seemed relatively upset about the whole thing.
At this point, it’s hard to know for sure who to root for out of the remaining players, given that everyone’s really taking all of this pretty personally. Jason is probably playing the best strategic game out of anyone at the moment, but he’s been malicious at times and that’s frustrating. Meanwhile, we do legitimately like Whitney and Morgan, but at the same time we’re not seeing either one of them with the killer instinct to win. We credit Justin and Jason for Whitney flipping more so than we credit Whitney, who we’re not sure who would’ve done so on her own.
Want to get some other news on “Big Brother”? Then be sure to head over to this link! (Photo: CBS.)