‘Legends of Tomorrow’ season 2, episode 3 theory: What was Barry Allen’s message?

LegendsFor the most part, we do think that Thursday night’s new episode of “Legends of Tomorrow” was one of the more inconsequential ones of the season in terms of significant story progress. After all, there was no sighting of Eobard Thawne or Damien Darhk, and we spent the majority of our time back in feudal Japan seeing if the team could keep a shogun from using the Atom suit to his own advantage.

Yet, there was one moment in particular that stood out, and that was getting to hear an audio message from a future Barry Allen handing down some sort of valuable information. What was it? We didn’t get to hear, but we have a few theories.

1. Information regarding Rex Tyler – Remember that Barry has his own sort of time-travel ability, and he may have been able to find out some key intel over the course of his life that he was happy in turn to pass along to the time.

2. Information on Eobard Thawne – He could be exposing the role of the Reverse-Flash in everything, and this does make the most sense given that the two have a long-standing permanent rivalry. Even though he is technically dead in the present, you still have the past to think about.

3. It’s tied to Rip Hunter’s past – Remember that this message was intended to be heard by him rather than the combination of Jax and Martin Stein; since Hunter is not around, they stumbled into it. there’s always the chance that this is information that some of our heroes could use in order to find him. Time will tell.

4. A setup for the crossover – While unlikely, we do think that the show will have to figure out how to get the Legends involved in taking on the Dominators.

What do you think was in Barry’s message? Tell us in the comments, and head over here to read our most-recent episode review! (Photo: The CW.)

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