‘Blue Bloods’ season 7, episode 4 review: Jamie fights for a cab driver’s rights
While we said this in the preview leading up to Friday night’s new episode of “Blue Bloods,” it bears a certain degree of repeating that there is an element of this episode that feels vaguely like HBO’s “The Night Of.” After all, someone of Middle Eastern heritage was arrested in part for something related to a cab and was sent off to Rikers, even if there was no proof they were guilty of the crime. Maybe that’s just coincidence, and there are some key differences — after all, this person on the CBS show was not accused of murder.
While it may not have been the most high-profile story in Friday night’s “Mob Rules,” to us it was the most interesting given that Jamie was willing to fight against a high-level Homeland Security official following an arrest that he felt was absolutely wrong. He wanted to help the man, feeling as though he could be deported. He already was beaten up at Rikers just for the way he looked, and he even was willing to stand up to Frank to initiate some degree of change. Thanks to a few phone calls and some convincing, Jamie did figure this out and get what constitutes as a victory — though he still got a lecture from Frank in the process about how not everything is often perfect in this world.
To us, the other major story of the week was Danny and Frank’s attempts to help Lieutenant Gormley by any means necessary after he was beaten up badly outside of his home. What was challenging here was figuring out a way in which they can pin down some of the people responsible, but with Erin’s help, they were able to figure this out thanks to getting one of the guys in a gang to be an informant. You obviously cannot go back in time in turn things around, but the good news is that Gormley is okay. He’s not going to retire, despite that being an offer that was put on the table for him.
Danny and Baez also were tasked with a different battle on the streets, one that ended up an impromptu shooting and a quick arrest near the end. The gunfire made for the most shocking moment of the episode, but not one that still made this particularly memorable.
Grade: B. Once again, another solid episode of the show this week, but one missing an event that will cause it to be on any top ten lists. If you watch the show on a weekly basis with expectations for what to see, this probably delivered.
Photo: CBS