‘Big Brother OTT’ spoilers: Was Kryssie, Monte, or Danielle evicted?
The first thing we want to do in this “Big Brother OTT” article is pass along a compliment to the show’s producers: While we may not get many lengthy episodes, the ones that we get are rather outstanding. For example, tonight’s gave us plenty of fights, Justin’s rear end as a source of an argument, and some funny moments and varied perspectives. This gives us a great sense as to what the show would probably be doing in the event that they had the freedom to do whatever they wanted on CBS.
One other bit of evidence of that comes via the decision to give you a very long episode tonight. This wasn’t your standard hour-long show. We’re talking about more than an hour and fifteen minutes, and that is without commercials. They’re giving you the full story, and for the most part we’re loving it — even if we know some people out there wanted to get to the eviction.
Before we got to the votes, we had some speeches … which were pretty boring, other than Kryssie calling out Alex for lying. Much of this was rinse-and-repeat of last week, with the only discernible difference at the moment being that Monte was on the block instead of Cornbread. He was disliked by America and some of the house, and he also ironically was the person who went home. The one consolation prize for him is that the vote was closer this time. It was America who booted him, which probably stings more than anything given how many times this guy has been kicked by them over the course of this season.
Ultimately, we’re not going to miss Monte much — we understand keeping people who cause drama in the game, but this guy was such a heel to people that we’re not upset to see him out of the running.
If you want some other news on “Big Brother OTT” right now, be sure to head over to this link! (Photo: CBS.)