‘Big Brother 18′ live feed spoilers: James’ attempted ‘campaign’

James -

Given that we’re at the final three in the “Big Brother” house, it feels fair to say that there’s not really a whole lot of strategy talk that can happen. Everyone makes a final two deal with everyone else, and as a result of that, you really don’t get a lot lot when it comes to drama. Everyone just tells everyone what they want to hear.

Today, the most familiar sound is that of relative silence, as there has not been a heck of a lot of significant game-talk. Last night James talked for a little while with Nicole, and mostly just tried his best in order to convince her that he was a worthy person to take to the final two. We’re not sure it worked, since she ended up questioning him instead on many of his moves and wondered just how many jury votes he would get if he made it all the way to speaking before the jury.

The irony here is that the more James bombs in his campaigning, the more likely Nicole will want to take him to the end, feeling as though she could beat someone who cannot conjure up a worthy argument to save his life. There was a little Nicole / Paul talk earlier, but that’s come to a close and Nicole has gone back to practicing her final speech. We’re sure that she’ll do a good job of delivering it, but we think that for the most part minds are mind up before the finale — other than maybe a juror or two. It would take either a legendary winning performance or a bomb to turn things around further.

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