‘NCIS’ season 14 spoilers: Someone’s adjustment period

NCIS -Season 14 of “NCIS” is going to be about new beginnings in a number of different ways. For Gibbs, it will revolve in part around trying to figure out how to lead a different group of people, whereas for McGee he could be looking more towards his long-term future with Delilah.

So what about the newcomers, such as Nick Torres and Alex Quinn? For the two of them, it should seem fairly obvious what sort of adjustment that they are going to be going through — and you’ll get a chance to see at least some of that play out on the upcoming October 4 episode entitled “Privileged Information.” The synopsis below via CBS gives us a pretty good idea as to what you can expect to see:

“When the NCIS team investigates a marine sergeant’s tragic fall from a building, her doctor, Grace Confalone (Laura San Giacomo), confides in Gibbs and suggests he treat it as a murder investigation. Also, Torres searches for a place to live.”

It will be interesting to see San Giacomo back on the show once more, given that she has become a little bit more of a recurring player dating back to the second half of last season. Still, it’s hard to discuss a lot of that without proper context. The biggest thing to take away from what we’re seeing in this synopsis is that the show is not changing itself too much from its core or its previous mission statement, and that is by providing a mixture of familiar cases and more personal stories to slowly allow us to know these new people better.

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