‘Blindspot’ season 2 premiere reaction: Show boss on Jane’s allegiances moving forward

Jane -The producers of “Blindspot” certainly made a bold choice to all-out in the season 2 premiere, and in the process of doing so, they revealed quite a few things about some of their characters. For example, we learned that an organization out there, known as Sandstorm for now, has a connection with Jane that runs very deep. Not only that, but they are tied to Shepherd and Roman, two characters who supposedly were her family for many years.

So with this new information in mind, Jane’s emotional state moving forward could be challenged — and with that, the same could go for some of her allegiances. Speaking in a new interview with Entertainment Weekly, show boss Martin Gero did his part to set up a little bit of what could be coming up here next as Jane is torn between two organizations:

“It’s hard for Jane, because she has been dying for some sort of real connection with somebody, and she thought she was developing that with Weller, but that’s all been broken apart by the events of last season. So to have somebody, a real family, a real blood relative with her, it’s a pretty powerful thing and will have an enormous amount of sway over her.”

Of course, isn’t it pretty possible that there is so much more here than what we see on paper? After all, this is a show stuffed full of twists, and we imagine that there will be plenty more coming in the weeks to come. Stay tuned…

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