‘Big Brother 18’ live feed spoilers: Before the feeds went down

Big Brother -Earlier this morning we officially lost the “Big Brother 18” live feeds, and our assumption with that is that we’re not going to have them for much of the next 36 hours or so. After the next eviction show, they’ll go live again and we should get an opportunity to see where everyone stands going into the final four.

As of last night, it seemed firmly cemented that Victor was going to be leaving the game for a third time, since Corey and Nicole are in control of the vote and there’s not a whole lot that Vic seems to be doing to change their minds. While we wish he’d campaign more, at the same time we don’t think they are going to budge. (For the record, we actually think that Victor is the sort of player who should really go on “Survivor” as opposed to another season of “Big Brother,” given that his physical prowess would be more appreciated over there.)

Late last night, Paul and James did have another conversation where they talked about the idea of working together in the event they can make it to the final two together. Both seem cognizant of the fact that Corey and Nicole are going to make it to the end together, and they have to figure out a way to split them up. While we do wonder to a certain extent whether or not James was being genuine with him, this will be a true test as to whether or not he’s really serious about winning this game. Counting on being able to win the final Head of Household seems like a pretty terrible way to play for the most part.

By the time feeds return tomorrow night, we should know the new Head of Household, and there’s at least a chance we could know the Veto winner. The latter will be the person really in control of what happens next.

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