‘Big Brother 18’ live feed spoilers: Natalie’s farewell; endurance competition speculation

Big Brother -We’re in the midst now of the home stretch before Thursday night’s “Big Brother” eviction show, and before we get to the future, let’s give one last goodbye to Natalie, who this afternoon has spent the majority of her time complaining about the other people in the house.

Could there be a jury house segment tonight? We hope so, mostly because it would be nice in order to get a real sense of their attitude. With people like Paulie and Michelle already there, we would not be shocked if there is a particularly bitter jury this year, and Natalie could add to that if she keeps her attitude regarding everyone in the house other than James. Even with him, she still isn’t that thrilled because of the fighting that took place earlier in the week.

Now, let’s look onward to what is probably going to be a really huge Head of Household Competition tonight. CBS has already announced that it will be on the live feeds, so it’s likely to be some sort of endurance. Given that we haven’t seen the whole “fill up the bucket” challenge this season, and producers love having people fall down, that is a pretty safe bet in terms of what we’re going to get. If that happens, it feels safe to give it Corey and be done with it. This competition favors people with longer legs who can make shorter work of the course, and we certainly don’t see Nicole winning it. Maybe Paul or James have an outside chance, but they’ll have to go into overdrive.

The person in the most danger moving forward is clearly Paul, who is a huge social target who could beat most of the people left in the house in a jury vote, other than maybe Victor. Keeping Victor seems like the wrong move, but Nicole and Corey may be fine with it for now.

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