‘Big Brother 18’ live feed spoilers: Paranoia and Veto preparation
The Power of Veto Competition is coming to “Big Brother 18” this afternoon, and we feel like we’ve already done a fairly decent job of laying out what the groundwork for this is going to be. Michelle needs to win this, since otherwise all signs are pointing to her going home. Even if James and Natalie still loyal, Victor, Corey, and Nicole are all on the same side seemingly in terms of ensuring Big Meech is gone from the game.
This afternoon, we’ve certainly seen Michelle studying in the event that this is a mental competition, while also having some paranoia that she could be the next one to go. Meanwhile, Victor and Paul continue to reassure each other that their plan is working to survive one more week, and all signs point to that being the case. They also know that if Victor wins the Veto and takes Paul down, it basically force Nicole to put up James or Natalie. From there, they may be able to have a chance to get one of them out since they’re already up on the block and Nicole has broken that part of the deal.
Michelle also spent a part of this afternoon on an extensive complaining tour to Michelle, talking about how Paul is manipulating a lot of things and that it’s not fair that Victor continues to come back in the game. To a certain extent, we do agree, but who said this game was fair? Also, he fought both times to return, and we think he’s got an okay shot at winning in the event he makes it to the end just because of his improvement over the course of the season.
We expect the Veto to start soon; we’ll post the winner once it is clear!
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