‘Big Brother 18’ live feed spoilers: Nominations and Paulie – Corey aftermath

Corey -We’re not entirely sure that there has been a nomination ceremony that has had more excitement around it on “Big Brother” this season than the one taking place Friday. After many weeks of frustration and the guys just forming a massive / annoying bro alliance, the likes of Victor, Paul, and James are officially going their own way.

Going into the ceremony, the expectation was that Victor was going to follow along the plan to nominate Paulie and Corey, and then do everything that he could in order to ensure that the two stayed on the block. Thanks to Nicole having the safety costume via the Care Package, she’s not so much of an option anymore and he’ll have to find a worthy pawn.

In the end, Victor stayed true and put Corey and Paulie on the block. Celebrations are in order! Someone finally made a move! Given that we thought Paulie and Corey would’ve been freaking out, they actually handled the nomination rather well. Victor told Paulie he’d understand if he came after him down the road, but he claimed that he wouldn’t do that. Ultimately, Victor has a perfectly good reasoning for putting him: Paulie sent him home! Not only that, but Victor didn’t get a chance to play for the Veto. He actually is giving Paulie and Corey that opportunity.

Ultimately, we’ll see if there are some fireworks a little bit later, but for now, everything is relatively quiet other than Nicole complaining a little bit and Paulie mumbling through various frustrations.

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