‘Big Brother 18’ live feed spoilers: The Care Package a.k.a. America, what have you done?

Big Brother -Well, this week in the “Big Brother” house just got a little more frustrating, and we really have America to thank for it more than anyone.

Today, Nicole found herself the recipient of the latest Care Package (safety plus a costume she has to wear), and it came as a result of voting that took place throughout the week. If you remember, Michelle’s surge in popular really did not come until mostly Wednesday, and by that time many Nicole fans had been voting for days. Realistically Bridgette probably would have gotten it, and would have been given the safety + the costume for the week instead. Sadly, this is what we have. (We don’t hate Nicole as a person or anything, but we feel like one of the main functions of this show is as entertainment and seeing people in power fall is a great source of it.)

Here is the silver lining here: We don’t really think that this will impact the plan for the week too much given that Paulie and Corey were the planned nominations by Victor in the first place. He’ll still be able to do that; the only problem is if one of them wins, someone will have to be a willing pawn. So long as the remaining people off the block all vote correctly, the remaining member of Corey / Paulie will go home. The main problem is there is a lot more leeway for the Nicole / Corey / Paulie contingent to work now.

Ultimately, let’s close with one last silver lining: Next week’s co-Head of Household is the biggest Care Package, and there’s about a zero percent chance that either Paulie or Corey are getting it. Based on their popularity at present, we imagine that either Paul or Michelle will take it and be able to have more control to send someone home.

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