‘Girl Meets World’ season 3: How could Shawn Hunter’s ex feel about possible engagement?

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Friday night’s new episode of “Girl Meets World” entitled “Girl Meets Upstate” is going to feature more than just Riley and Maya trying to do something daring and taking off from Cory and Topanga’s place. After all, it’s also going to feature Shawn Hunter making one of the biggest decisions of his life in deciding to propose to Maya’s mother Katy.

Fans who enjoyed the original “Boy Meets World” probably do remember the relationship that Shawn has with Angela, so of course there’s a curiosity surrounding what she would think about this. Since she’s not around, why not just look towards the actress who plays her instead?

In a response to someone on Twitter, Trina McGee made it clear that she is “happy for the characters” to get to this point in their lives, and that makes sense given what we saw of Angela on the show this past season. We do know that there was a group of people out there who wanted to see these two characters together again, but we’re actually rather thrilled that this didn’t happen if for no other reason than that it would’ve been a little bit too predictable. Not everything in life is planned out, and there are ways for some of these characters to be happy without having their trajectory follow a straight line from “Boy Meets World” so many years ago.

Plus, in being with Katy Shawn can establish himself even more as a father figure to Maya.

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