‘Big Brother 18’ live feed spoilers: Week 2 nominations
The second week of “Big Brother 18” (we’re pretending Glenn never really happened since that’s not the game we know) is starting to unfold, and early Friday (we imagine that the show is using an aggressive schedule this week thanks to the July 4 holiday), the nominations for the week were made.
Who was put up? Spoilers lie ahead…
Ultimately, Paulie made the choice to put up two people who voted against him this past week in Paul and Bronte, and we’re hardly shocked by this. We assumed that it would be a combination of these two, Natalie, or Victor, and it looks like the idea here is to nominate Victor as replacement nominee (in particular for a backdoor situation), while Natalie is someone who many players in the game like and see as a possible number down the road. Obviously, it would have been exciting for Paulie to make a crazy move, but you gotta remember who he’s modeling his game after in Derrick and Cody. Those two guys stayed the course almost for the entire season from the moment Devin went out.
We would assume that the BB Roadkill competition is coming up later today, and what’s interesting about that is that even if Victor wins that, he could still be nominated later as a backdoor target. (Remember, a backdoor means not getting a chance to play in the Veto — the odds of him getting to take part in that are fairly low.) This twist is fun, but it really doesn’t help the minority alliance at all. As a matter of fact, it would hurt them this week if they were in power.
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