‘Big Brother 18’ live feed spoilers: #PaulProblems
One of the interesting internal debates that we’ve been having when it covering the “Big Brother” live feeds this week is trying to determine whether or not Paul is a horrible player, or just someone who is in a horrible position. He’s not nearly as delusional as Jozea, and it feels like there are people in the house who like him. Yet, at the same time he doesn’t know the game, and has not figured out how easy to is for people to betray him.
Take, for example, a conversation with Frank where he made it appear as though he would be the “seventh” vote in his corner, inferring almost that Frank was #7 in an alliance. It’s a statement that any seasoned player (or at least someone knowledgeable in the game) would avoid. Meanwhile, he also had a conversation with Zakiyah today about making sure the votes to evict Paulie were shored-up … but this really wasn’t so bad. He’s upfront enough about his gameplay that even if he has no power next week, he probably will still be safe.
Here is where Paul is terrible: Calling Michelle Buzz Lightyear based on her appearance, which is something we don’t quite get at all. He’s mean at times for mean’s sake, and it doesn’t come across as funny. It’s not good strategy, and that is also why people do not like him.
Why are we doing such a deep dive on Paul in the first place? The biggest reason is just because it’s a fairly boring day on the feeds despite there being so many people; this blindside of Jozea better be worth it, since the anticipation for it is producing some drama-free feeds.
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