‘Big Brother 18’ live review: Was Glenn Garcia, Nicole Franzel, or Tiffany Rousso first person evicted?
Tonight, “Big Brother 18” is busting out something a little different. Rather than doing a traditional first week in the house with a Head of Household and a Veto, we basically saw a series of competitions where the loser would eventually be evicted. This in our mind is a giant bummer, since it effectively throws all semblance of strategy out the window.
Going into the night, Glenn Garcia, Corey Brooks, Nicole Franzel, and Tiffany Rousso were the four players in jeopardy for Team Freakazoid, which the show reminded us of in terrible fashion at the start of the hour. (These nicknames are something else…) The consensus pick to go home here is Glenn, largely because of the fact that he seems to have no advantage in virtually any challenge, especially one that is endurance-based.
We’re going to have live updates throughout the show, so stay tuned!
Before the challenge – Basically, we got Tiffany admitting to Da’Vonne to being Vanessa’s sister, while Nicole planted a seed in Corey’s head to let her be the first Head of Household if the opportunity arises. This may have been better than much of what Nicole did in the entirety of her first season.
Elimination Challenge – Yep, Glenn was toast, Nicole finished first, and Nicole ended up being Head of Household in the end. Hey, Glenn did at least a little bit better than we thought he would, and it turns out that the newbies are already all sheeple for letting her have it. Basically, Paul is furious.
After the Challenge – The scrambling sort-of begins, and as expected many of the newbies are terrible, especially Victor who goes up to Nicole, exposes his whole plan, and tells her that Jozea is basically working against her and all of the veterans … even though the two are friends.
Nomination Ceremony – Victor sunk Jozea’s ship, though at the same time Jozea being completely nuts and spilling all the tea on his game, including his plan to target the vets. The only real move for Nicole to decide on was who else to nominate, and she chose someone in Paulie just for the sake of ensuring that Jozea loses the Veto. Seems reasonably smart, but it’s a risk since Paulie may not trust her later. We’re just glad typical “Big Brother” is back. Grade: B.
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