‘The Bachelorette’ spotlight: Will Coley Knust, JoJo Fletcher find common ground?

Coley -When looking at some of JoJo Fletcher’s contenders on “The Bachelorette” this season, there are a few things that stand out: There are several people who share her job of being in real estate, and there are also a ton of dudes with bears. Coley Knust and his super-unique name is one of them.

We kinda like Coley, mostly because his promotional photo above makes him look a little bit like a cartoon bear. Is that going to make him lovable on the show? Time will tell.

Name – Coley Knust.

Age – 27

Occupation – Real estate consultant. Just like there are a ton of people this season in real estate, there are also a ton of consultants on this season.

Location – Chicago, Illinois. There are a lot of Chicago connections to “The Bachelor” and “The Bachelorette” over the years; former winners Whitney and Ed both spend a lot of time in the Windy City.

Pros – He likes “Harry Potter” (at least this is a pro for us), he values person-to-person community, and really seems to be all about honesty and integrity. It’s too hard to tell from a promo whether or not someone is there for the “right reasons,” but Coley seems to have a lot going for him. He’s smart, and he’s not just another dude with muscles on this show.

Cons – We have to dock points away from him for writing out “‘Merica” in his bio, and since he doesn’t seem to have any clear gimmick like an interesting job or look, he’s going to have to work that much harder in the early going to impress JoJo.

Most likely to… Declare JoJo a member of Ravenclaw? We really don’t know with this guy.

Final assessment – We like Coley. We’re not guaranteeing that he will go all the way to the end this season, but there’s no major red flag here to make us think that he will be gone before the top 8 or so this season. He just needs to fight for JoJo and stand out amidst the other big personalities.

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