‘The Flash’ season 2, episode 21 video: Longer ‘The Runaway Dinosaur’ promo shows missing Barry, Girder’s return

FlashWe know that six days is a relatively short span of time to wait for a new episode of “The Flash,” but at the moment the show has come up with one of the worst forms of torment possible: Ending the most recent episode with the STAR Labs team potentially thinking as though Barry Allen is actually did.

The reality here is that Grant Gustin’s character is alive, but potentially not on his own earth. The extended promo below for next week’s “The Runaway Dinosaur” shows him adrift after the particle accelerator experiment designed to get the character his speed back. It’s possible that it worked, but at the same time He still does not exactly have much of a way to get back safely.

What does make matters worse in this episode for some characters is the return of Girder, the tougher-than-nails former bully from season 1 who is almost unstoppable and extremely hard to kill. He may not be the most feared of some of Barry’s villains, but bringing him in now is mostly a good way to get the ball rolling a little bit on the drama leading up to the final showdown with Zoom. We figure the final two episodes will be mostly about that, and then also at the same time helping to set up the third season of the show.

For now, let’s just go ahead and assume that this episode will once again throw us for a loop. That seems to be the trend at the moment, and we imagine that with without his speed, Barry is going to continue to try and figure out some creative ways in order to save the day.

If you missed it, you can read our full review for “The Flash” now over at the link here right now! Also, sign up over here to secure some other TV news on all we cover, sent right over to you via our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: The CW.)


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