‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: The (likely) nominations
Even though nominations have not been done as of yet on “Big Brother Canada,” we’re at least starting to get a sense as to what our new Head of Household is going to do … though it really should not be much of a surprise.
Now that she is in power, Kelsey is planning to nominate both Tim and Cassandra for eviction, hoping to ensure that one of the two of them goes home from this game. It may seem like the right move for her to make, though at the same time shouldn’t she be considering what Nikki said about Joel before leaving? Nobody is mad at him, and while she’d get votes at the end from Jared and Raul if she makes it there, if she’s with Joel she gets demolished. Maybe there are more people who are mad at someone like Tim, or don’t want to give him the money. You have to remember that there are a lot of people this season who are not that familiar with the game, and (unless Mitch convinces them otherwise) will likely play more with their heart than their head.
Anyhow, most of this really doesn’t matter if Joel wins the Veto this week. If that happens, Kelsey is forced to nominate Phil and Nick, and they’ll be absolutely evicted over whoever they are up against. There’s really nothing that Kelsey could even do about it at this point, since HoH at this point is almost just like winning immunity.
Unfortunately, the Veto likely won’t be until tomorrow, so we have some time before fireworks.
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