‘Big Brother Canada 4’ review: The double eviction results, as they happen

Big Brother -Tonight, “Big Brother Canada” is unleashing on the house something that almost every season has at one point or another: A double eviction. Due to Ramsey’s departure from the game, we seem spared of a triple-eviction this season; but as we know, almost anything can happen in this game.

We’re going to be back to update this entire episode as it happens, so check back soon for more updates! Going into the installment, all indications from the live feeds were that Jared would be evicted, but there will some days left for him to try to campaign to save his hide. Also, he does have an ally in Kelsey to lend a helping hand, provided that she is able to.

Before the eviction – Sure, there was a little bit of strategy mixed in here, but also a lot of random. You would assume that with this being a show with so much going on tonight that there wouldn’t be filler … but here we are. There were a few notable segments in here: Joel breaking down over both Jared’s comments / booze from a party beforehand, and also Cassandra and Kelsey having a minor spat that was really entertaining when it happened on the feeds.

First eviction – Yep, it’s Jared. Also, he said “the king is leaving this house.” How do you respond to this?

New Head of Household – It’s the brothers! It was a simply bowling game, so nothing too complicated or anything to form a conspiracy over.

Nominations – Tim and Nikki. Given Phil and Nick’s desire to eliminate the international players, this isn’t really much of a surprise at all.

Veto Competition – Cassandra beat out Tim, and after the brothers hilariously threatened her not to use it, she did! Also hilarious: The brothers playing the integrity card and threatening to go on the block themselves.

Second Eviction – Yep, Nikki is gone. We know she’s mad at Tim for keeping Joel, but it was the right move. These three have to stick together to get the brothers out, since otherwise they give the power to them and Kelsey.

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