‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony results and ‘integrity’

Jared -Big Brother Canada” had their live feeds down for whatever reason most of Sunday night, though it seems to be mostly to give the remaining houseguests a chance to get drunk out of their mind. The feeds have been full of hangover talk today, though there was also a Veto Ceremony to be done.

In the end, Cassandra did the move that was long-speculated from her: She nominated Jared, effectively ensuring that one of the game’s bigger threats is evicted. It’s weird in some ways that he was someone almost everyone was talking about targeting ever since the season first started, and yet there were a few moments here and there where it legitimately looked like he may be able to get to the end, just because people were afraid to make the move.

Now, the person who has is ironically the same person who actually knows Jared outside of the game. That is something that we’ve seen him actually hang over her head over the course of the morning, though in general Jared has been extremely whiny and the brothers have gone on and on about “integrity.” It feels as though everyone’s now aware that Cass / Tim / Nikki / Joel are the ones in power, and after this week we’ll be down to just Kelsey and the brothers on the outside.

Suffice it to say, the next few days could be fun when it comes to drama, but we have a really hard time envisioning a scenario where we see Nikki evicted from the game by some of her own allies.

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