‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Before the feeds went down

Big Brother -What in the world is going on with the “Big Brother Canada” live feeds tonight? The feeds went down before the show, and it was after that we first learned that for one reason or another, they’re not coming back tonight. We’re not entirely sure as to why that is, since there is no competition apparently, or any sort of task that we’re aware of. The Veto Ceremony should be first thing in the morning.

So what in the world is going on here? Maybe it’s some sort of secret party, maybe there are technical issues, or maybe there is something else that requires the show to keep things offline for now. We just hope that there is a legitimately good reason.

Before the outage, we continued to get a sense that Cassandra was planning to put Jared up as a replacement nominee, and likely have him be the latest member of the jury. With the brothers in possession of the Veto, it changes things up for the weekend. It also leaves Kelsey alone, where she may go with the brothers, since that could be her only option at this point. We’ve also seen Phil and Nick work (sort of) with Cassandra and Joel, but we see that as more of a fake alliance on the latter two’s side to keep their options open. It may even be fake for the brothers.

Hopefully, we’ll be back tomorrow with more from the feeds. Be sure to come back for Veto Ceremony results!

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