‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Nominations and craziness

Big Brother -Big Brother Canada” has been ridiculous for many reasons, with one of the biggest reasons why is that for the first time this season, we’ve really seen the brothers panicking. Phil and Nick know they’re in danger, and thanks to that we’ve seen them try to throw everyone under the bus and do what they can to stay alive. In turn, they’ve really alienated almost everyone, and it’s been insanely entertaining.

So who did Cassandra nominate alongside them when the dust settled? Ultimately, she stuck to the original plan and put up Nikki, who was aware of the plan beforehand. She knows that she only needs two votes right now to stay safe, since Cassandra holds the tiebreaker. Luckily, she has Tim and Joel firmly on her side and that’s not changing.

As for the rest of the week’s activities, that depends heavily on the Veto. Since Jared knows that the brothers were throwing some shade his way earlier, that may mean that he wouldn’t be as inclined to help them out if he was to win. Also, that runs a risk that Kelsey could be put up. We know that Cassandra and Nikki have not always seen eye to eye, but we really hope that the latter makes it through the week unscathed.

Let’s just hope that the rest of the week remains every bit as crazy as the past day or so has been. As of late, this has been complete gold and then some with all of the chaos going on in the house.

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