‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: A ‘surprise guest’ and a task

Big Brother -Rather than letting us see a little bit of fallout from the Veto Ceremony on the “Big Brother Canada 4” live feeds on Monday, the show made a different but rather-interesting decision on Monday: Give us a ton of downtime, and then let us see a few pieces of information on tasks that played out in the house.

One of them may just be the most predictable task in human history, since for the most part it revolved around Nick and Phil staging a fake fight. These two were so terrible as actors that we’re not entirely sure anyone believed them, and above all else it was a good source of unintentional comedy. If we were one of the other houseguests, we’d just pretend as though we were surprised about the fight just so that we could get the reward at the end of it. There’s nothing to do in this house other than chill, sleep, work out, strategize, and eat, so you might as well to the latter whenever the opportunity does present itself.

From here, the house got a visit today from UFC fighter Elias Theodorou, which ironically makes this the second Canadian reality show he’s appeared on following his appearance on the Canadian version of “The Amazing Race.” The feeds were down for it, but it’s no matter since it feels like it was filler content anyway. The houseguests didn’t seem to be a huge fan of his after he left, so the feeds have been cut on at least one occasion already about the guy’s arrogance.

If you missed it earlier, Tim was put up as a replacement nominee this week, but it looks like Maddy will be evicted regardless if things stay as presently constituted.

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