‘Game of Thrones’ season 6 not leading to any spin-offs down the road
We’ve already discussed here on CarterMatt some of the possible scenarios for the end of “Game of Thrones,” largely because we are at that point in the series run where these sort of things do tend to happen. This is a show that is about to enter its sixth season, after all, and there is only so much story that there is to tell here. It’s a little bit different than a program not relying on source material in order to tell a story.
With the current state of this show in mind, one interesting question is that there are plenty of other shows out there about Westeros or beyond that HBO could cultivate. There is, after all, a ton of money in this franchise, and it’d be a surprise to see the network run away from it altogether when “Game of Thrones” ends. Maybe this is something that they will think about moving forward, but for the time being, there’s no real talk on it. Here’s what HBO programming head Michael Lombardo had to say to Entertainment Weekly:
“If that were to happen it would have to come from [executive producers David Benioff and Dan Weiss] really feeling something, or [author George R.R. Martin] really feeling that it was the right thing to do. Not knowing how this particular story ends, I don’t know. There are plenty of characters, secondary characters, [that] you could build a world around. We’re always going to be drawn to a strong creative vision. But we are not going to do that unless we feel their passion.”
We could see something happening, or at least being developed, once “Game of Thrones” does come to a close. For now, though, there really is not much of a point in them trying to figure out the next thing when this show is more than two years from its end.
If you do want to get more of the “Game of Thrones” bosses and HBO discussing the show’s potential endgame, our suggestion for you right now is that you head over to the link here right now! Also, sign up over here in the event you want some other TV news sent right over to you, courtesy of our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: HBO.)