‘Madam Secretary’ season 2 spoilers: First look at big finale!

Secretary -The second season of “Madam Secretary” still has some story to tell, and as we get closer and closer to the finale, we’re going to see a wide array of different developments both personal and professional. We’re going to get a chance to see what happens when Elizabeth McCord feels her job is on the line.

The title for this episode is “Vartius,” and it airs on May 8. The synopsis below gives you a few more details as to what we can expect:

“When Elizabeth (Téa Leoni) receives shocking news about an important political operative, she navigates a tricky political situation with President Dalton, who she learns may be considering replacing her as Secretary of State. Also, Stevie (Wallis Currie-Wood) and Jareth (Christopher O’Shea) get engaged.”

Is it possible that we could really see Elizabeth removed from her post? We’d definitely be sad if that happened, but we feel like it’s doubtful mostly because it would fundamentally change almost the entire fabric of the show. How do you call it “Madam Secretary” if she is not the Secretary anymore. Stevie and Jareth’s story will probably get a few minutes of screen time, but we don’t expect it to really take over the show much when there are so many different stories and events that the show is going to chronicle.

The best news, at least for some diehard fans out there, is the reassurance that the show is not going anywhere, and has already been renewed for a third season that will premiere a little bit later this year.

Want to get some more news when it comes to “Madam Secretary”? Then be sure to head over to the link here right now, or sign up over here to get some other TV news on almost everything we cover, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)

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