Is ‘Arrow’ season 4, episode 19 new tonight on The CW? Felicity news for ‘Canary Cry’

Arrow -As if it wasn’t bad enough that “Arrow” removed a key character from the equation on last week’s new episode entitled “Eleven-Fifty-Nine,” they’re now making you wait a rather long time to see the aftermath of this key death. There is no new episode airing tonight on The CW; as a matter of fact, the show will not return with the “Canary Cry” episode until we get around to Wednesday, April 27.

This episode will obviously contain the much-discussed funeral for Laurel, but beyond that Felicity is going to make a big decision for her future. Speaking on that subject to TVLine, executive producer Marc Guggenheim had the following to say:

“She’s broken up with Oliver and she’s also broken up with the team essentially. And in Episode 19 [‘Canary Cry,’ airing Wednesday, April 27], we’ll see the undoing of one of those decisions.”

Meanwhile, fellow EP Wendy Mericle added the following to the website:

“One does not mean the other is going to happen … She could come back to the team and that does not mean that she’s back together with Oliver.”

We know that many out there want to see both of these happen by the end of the season, and maybe they will! For us, we just want to see an Olicity reunion that can leave them happy; that way, most of the drama on the show can come from elsewhere and the two of them can have some fun moments together along the way. A relationship doesn’t need to be contentious or constantly on the brink of disaster in order for a show to be exciting; there are plenty of examples of that across the board.

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