‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Tim gets in Phil’s head

Philippe -We’re more than a month and a half into this “Big Brother Canada” season at the moment, and that really means one thing above all else: Some of the players are starting to lose it.

Specifically, we’re talking now about Phil, who seemed to have almost a psychological breakdown on the show Monday thanks mostly to what seems to be Tim’s needling, where he talked here and there about some of Phil’s behavior in the game, him being a “tag-on,” and telling him that he does say some dumb stuff from time to time in the house. He’s done a little bit of this to Phil here and there, with the irony here is that it wasn’t so much that Tim was being mean. He was actually being honest with some of what we’ve seen Phil do in the house, and that includes him being not-so-kind to Nick.

Tim eventually gave Phil a pep talk to encourage him to have fun and be a likable dude, and he then went off to his brother for consolation. He was actually nice briefly to Nick in this moment, but then proceeding to miss much of Tim’s point by claiming that he and everyone else in the game has “changed” from the beginning … but for the better.

So did Phil really get Tim’s point about trying to be a better person? No, but he did get in his head; not only that, but it still seems like Phil wants to bring Tim still to the final four! This guy, ladies and gents, is a game genius, and with Mitch gone, he’s got a real shot to run rampant on the house. He certainly did a number on Phil.

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