‘Game of Thrones’ season 6 trailer delivers Peter Dinklage awesomeness (and other stuff, too)

Tyrion -Game of Thrones” is coming off its big Los Angeles premiere event, which is really one of the few of its kind happening this year. The lack of these around the world is yet another sign of how HBO is going completely hush-hush when it comes to the sixth season, not sending out screeners and reducing opportunities for anyone to see the show in advance.

With this pattern in mind, any bit of footage that comes out is even more sacred than it would be otherwise … and by that logic, the latest season 6 trailer is amazing. This gives you more of a chance than you’ve had to date to see some of these characters in action, especially Tyrion Lannister. Peter Dinklage really chews the scenery in the few seconds of dialogue we get here, especially when talking about his superpower of “knowing things” thanks to liquid courage.

Also, you get a little bit of The Mountain 2.0 (or whatever you want to call his freakish new form), Arya being given a “second chance” by The House of Black and White, the Jon Snow mystery, and Sansa forging a new path ahead for herself. Sure, this show is continuing to not give you any substantial material on any one scene in favor of a lot of tiny clips, but that’s their covert way to not really give anything away while at the same time looking like they’re giving you a ton of material.

The new season premieres on Sunday, April 24 at 9:00 p.m. Eastern time; hopefully, this is not going to be the last bit of new material we get on this season before the premiere… stay tuned.

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