‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Week 7 Veto Ceremony results; plus, booze!

Raul -This is going to be the rare “Big Brother Canada” Veto Ceremony article where we really don’t have to say too much about the results. Jared used the Veto on himself of course, and in turn, we also saw Maddy nominate Raul. This was precisely what everyone was expecting to see going into this, so we really just have to shrug and say “no surprise here.” There’s a little bit more drama when it comes to what will happen on Thursday, mostly because of the plan to try to get Raul out over Kelsey, despite the latter being Maddy’s personal target.

If this happens, we’ll give most of the credit to Tim and Cassandra, who each acknowledge that so long as Jared and Kelsey are in the game together, they will be a larger shared target than many other people in the house.

What is actually a little more interesting right now is the drama that, randomly, came from a game of Spin the Bottle in the house last night. Everyone was pretty hammered after a pizza party, and Kelsey kissed Nick as a part of the game … which in turn sent Jared on a whiny tailspin rambling on while on his high horse. Ironically, later that night he dropped trou in the pool with Raul and Tim. Where’d that high horse go from there?

Also, a few people accused Nick of making the night “weird” after the Spin the Bottle game, where he and his brother refused to kiss. (Who wanted to really see that?) Feeling sorry for Nick, who has been ordered around by his brother and treated pretty badly for most of the season, has become a recurring theme.

While nothing game-changing happened last night, Tim made an interesting comment regarding the entire season so far to Nikki: He referred to the other players as “idiots,” and said that he thought they would be gone immediately. Instead, these people are too busy just fighting each other.

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