‘Big Brother Canada 4’ review: Maddy is mad with power … or just mad
Mere minutes after we saw Maddy win the Head of Household Competition on “Big Brother Canada” Sunday night, something else happened that was certainly fun as a viewer and terrible for her game: She decided that she would turn into the house executioner, swinging the axe around and unafraid of who it hit. Nobody wants to hear that “anything can happen.” Nobody wants to be on your ego parade.
News flash, Maddy: You won HoH on a fluke! You won with a question that was terribly-worded and confused everyone else in the game! It’s not like she did anything that special to earn this position.
Second news flash, Maddy: Why are you admiring Tim for his advice and feedback, and then getting mad when Ramsey does the same thing? Ramsey’s your actual ally way more than Tim is! Maybe this is just because of Tim’s ability to complete get in people’s heads, and make them believe that he is someone they really should be listening to.
We could go on and on about Maddy, but she probably did the right thing in the end in nominating Maddy and Jared. We’re still angry at “Big Brother Canada” over the Mitch eviction, and more than that we’re terrified of what the latest twist is that screws up the game. We also hope and plead that no matter what it is, people don’t suddenly be like “YAAAASSSS” all over social media (yep, they’ll actually spell it that way!) if it saves their favorite and is equally unfair as what happened to Mitch. If you don’t like the twists, it has to be a two-way street.
One other thing we will take the show to task for despite its many funny moments tonight (including the slop montage with people pouring slop into different containers that represented players, all for very stupid reasons) is spending a good minute on Raul and his hair. Why does anyone think that this is what we want to see? Episode Grade: B+.
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