‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Tim works his magic on Maddy
By and large, we anticipate the next few days on “Big Brother Canada” season 4 to be fairly quiet. It’s already assured pending some last-minute moment of insanity that Jared will use the Veto on himself and Maddy will nominate Raul as a replacement; therefore, the only real decision to make is if they want to get rid of Kelsey or Raul this week.
We know that in Maddy’s mind, the decision to be made here is pretty clear: Kelsey = evil, and therefore she must go. She temporarily stole the duck! Also, for whatever reason Maddy has targeted many women in the house at some point or another (Kelsey, Cassandra, Loveita), even if there are not too many of them even left at this point.
This is where Tim comes along to convince her otherwise. In a conversation this morning, he made it clear to her that getting out Kelsey, someone who has already been evicted once, really is not that big of a move and the bigger one instead is getting rid of Raul. If she wants to make moves that the jury will respect at the end of the game, this is the one to make.
Do we think that there is truth to what Tim is saying here at all? Not really. What he wants is that Jared and Kelsey are still together in the game, since they’ll be linked and be bigger threats than Jared and Raul will ever be considered. With Mitch already gone, he likely realizes that he is a potential target, and needs to do what he can to keep some other big targets around. Therefore, he needs to cut out Raul, split up Maddy and Ramsey, and then maybe consider getting rid of either the brothers or Jared / Kelsey. The ideal situation for him is probably a final three of himself, Cassandra, and Nikki, given that he is super-close to both of them. Maybe there’s a slight concern that Cassandra would take Nikki over him, but Tim’s going to come into trouble almost no matter what happens at that phase of the game. It’s hard to envision many paths for him to the final two that do not involve him winning the final Head of Household.
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