‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: The power of Tim and Cassandra
It was very early on this season on “Big Brother Canada” when we felt rather bad for picking Cassandra to win the game based on some of her early play, but we gotta say that with Mitch now gone from the game, she may be doing a lot of great stuff to pick up where he left off.
While she was in some danger this week with Maddy as Head of Household, she seems to have reigned her in. Also, the Third Wheel thinks she is reasonably loyal, she has at least a solid relationship with some people in the middle, and she does have a solid #2 ally in Tim. Sure, she and Ramsey don’t get along too well and she also has had some tension with Nikki, but she is in a position where most of the people in the game have players to target before they consider going after her. That’s not a bad place, and the same goes for Tim. These two have mostly just watched the chaos form in the house the past couple of days. While Cassandra may be working a secret operation to get Raul out over Kelsey, we’re not sure how much blood (metaphorical, of course!) will stick to her.
There has been some mild strategy talk earlier ever since Jared won the Veto. Raul knows that he is going up as a replacement nominee more or less, and he hasn’t really done a whole lot to campaign. Tim and Cassandra have started to talk more about targeting Maddy, mostly because she’s got a pretty good resume at this point. They feel like she’d be a good target for a triple eviction.
We have not said too much about triple evictions here on the site, but we gotta say that we hope it doesn’t happen. We’d take a few double evictions anyday over something that can screw over a halfway decent player at random. See Willow last year, when Sarah just made a mistake.
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