‘Big Brother Canada 4’ preview: A quick peek at Loveita – Kelsey deliberations
As anyone who follows “Big Brother Canada” knows the score at the moment when it comes to the events of Thursday night’s eviction show: The remaining players were told that they would have to deliberate between bringing back either Loveita or Kelsey, and they had to do it unanimously.
For some reason, the show decided that the live feeds were not necessary for the weekend, as though people would somehow not be interested in watching the show if they knew who was coming back. That’s a bummer, and while the sneak peek below for Sunday’s episode is nice, it probably doesn’t tell you too much that is new. Basically, most of the players make the arguments that you would expect, especially Jared.
Specifically, Jared cited some of the antics of Loveita as the reason not to bring her back, since almost everyone in the game had some sort of an ax to grind against her. However, some of the other houseguests remind him of the not-so-great thing that she said outside of the house: “Unbreakable bond.” Nobody really is going to want to bring back someone who they knew is a number for just a couple of people.
If we were to guess, though, we’d still say that Kelsey is the one who re-enters the house. We do think that Jared and Raul will refuse to budge, and eventually everyone else will just relent, thinking that they can pull them apart again at some point in the future. Granted, we think that Loveita would be the better entertainment.
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