‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Tim’s early work; praise for Cassandra

Cassandra -The “Big Brother Canada” house has featured a few recurring themes so far this season: Las Vegas, international flair, and the women being picked off one by one. It’s interesting given that there isn’t a clearly-defined male alliance either; unfortunately, there are just many poor female players this season and Loveita was right in her exit interview in regards to there being too many people this season who just couldn’t get along.

This is where we turn to Cassandra, who has made it past her one major stumble and is now clearly back to playing the best game of any of the remaining women, and maybe one of the best games overall. Who is coming after her now? She’s got good bonds, she cemented a final-two deal tonight with Jared, and she also is close to the new Head of Household in Tim. We’re starting to feel better about our winner pick, though there is a lot of time still to go this season.

As for what Tim is planning to do with his newfound power (which it seems he didn’t really want to win), he’s said that he wants to do his previous plan of just getting the houseguests to each given them two names, and he’ll put up the two mentioned the most. There’s talk like it’s this super-revolutionary thing even in North American “Big Brother,” but it’s really not. Still, there are some (like Dallas) who are clearly resisting the idea, which is funny since he’ll probably be mentioned a lot by other people.

One interesting comment Tim made tonight is that if he had it his way, he’d nominate Joel and Mitch because no one else ever would … which just shows you more of how smart and astute he is about the game. It’s hard to imagine him winning given the target that is on him, but if he were to actually do this (which he probably won’t), it’d certainly create entertaining chaos, even if we do like those two guys.

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