‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Week 4 indecision
This is going to be familiar to some people out there: Nobody can make up their mind right now in the “Big Brother Canada” house.
The real issue going forward the next few days is actually rather simple: We’re not sure that anyone really cares that much as to who goes home between Raul and Kelsey. Maybe Jared does to a certain extent, but we’ve already seen Dallas basically say that he’ll just do whatever the house wants to here. We understand the sentiment given that there are slight advantages each way. Kelsey keeps Jared locked in with a #2 and makes him a little more predictable; however, keeping Raul ensures that Jared and Kelsey don’t become Jillian and Emmett 2.0, as unlikely as that may be in the first place.
The one person who seems to have the biggest preference right now is Mitch, mostly because it feels like he’s keeping Raul around as some sort of other option to have in his back pocket. It never hurts to have options, and he definitely knows this. Ultimately, this may be why when the dust settles, Mitch is playing one of the best games, even if some are aware of him playing the middle to the best of his abilities.
Meanwhile, Tim has floated out the idea of creating a tie vote just to force Joel to choose … which would be entertaining to us, but probably not the way to get on Joel’s good side if he is Head of Household down the road.
All in all, a quiet night on the feeds other than Nikki getting a little upset about a duvet. Nothing to really see there.
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