‘Big Brother Canada 4’ review: Joel makes his move
For the past couple of weeks, one of the big criticisms that we’ve had for “Big Brother Canada” season 4 has been that the show has done a rather less-than-outstanding job when it comes to telling the story of the live feeds on the show. They’ve spent a ton of time on silly pranks, but not a lot of time actually making it clear just what was going on in the house strategically.
Therefore, Sunday’s episode was probably tremendous for some of the people out there who haven’t had a chance to know a lot about what is going on in the game strategically. However, at the same exact time we feel a little bit like it was a little more boring for those who already know about the multiple sides of the house. Jared nominated Kelsey and Raul, mostly because he didn’t want to deal with that three-person alliance and feels like other sides are more malleable. The show didn’t show as much of him debating about Tim as he probably did, but not everything can make it into the show.
As for a few of the fun discoveries we made during the episode…
1. Seeing the baseball game, complete with stumbles, trash-talk, and dancing, was pretty darn hilarious. We saw Tim throw a bat, but apparnelty not the fight we heard discussed on the feeds that had Jared and Dallas front and center.
2. Nikki and Phil doing so terribly at the Head of Household competition … or really Nikki being terrible at every competition.
3. Getting an opportunity to see Tim defend throwing a vote for Cassandra rather than Christine … and surprisingly, no one being that upset about it given what he did. Episode Grade: B+.
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