‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: The tide may be turning

Philippe -The first thing that you really should remember as we are writing this “Big Brother Canada” live feed update is that we are talking about events that took place on Monday night.Translation: There’s still a lot of time to go until we get around to the eviction show on Thursday.

Now that we’ve said that, there is an interesting trend happening with evictions this season. Typically, the person that is evicted is the one that is typically considered to be the bigger threat to win the game; this time around, it’s been the person who would likely hover under the radar for a while. People are interested in keeping threats, and that is what makes keeping Cassandra so interesting.

Last night, both Tim and Phil each had some interesting conversations with Cassandra about keeping her, and trying to figure out what votes she could get. Jared, Phil / Nick, Kelsey, Raul, Mitch, Tim, and Nikki were names that were brought up by Phil, and if they did all vote to keep her in the game over Christine, that would be enough that the other four votes wouldn’t matter. That’s a good thing, since we’re not sure that Joel can be banked on at the moment, and even if she doesn’t get Mitch, she’d still have enough to stay. Maddy, Dallas, and Ramsey are also out there.

The reason reason we’re concerned about this move not actually coming to fruition is simply that we’re not sure precisely how you get so many people together and talking. There also are trust issues here and there with some of these people and Cassandra. There’s nothing set in stone just yet, but the important takeaway from Monday night is merely that people are talking about making moves. Christine, meanwhile, isn’t really doing that much campaigning. Maybe that helps her because she’s not causing a stir, but if Cassandra comes up with the right pitch, she can easily surpass here.

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