‘Once Upon a Time’ season 5, episode 14 preview: ‘Devil’s Due’

Once Upon A TimeOn Sunday night’s new episode of “Once Upon a Time,” we had a story that was largely a spotlight into Snow White’s past. For those of you who have missed some of these over the past couple of years (it feels like they’ve been more few and far between than in the early seasons), you probably really enjoyed this.

So where are we going moving into the next new episode? Let’s just say that the title itself is a rather big reminder of who the Big Bad for this season is going to be: “Devil’s Due.” Don’t you think that is at least some sort of reference to Hades? That’s at least what we want to believe.

The promo below does put the lord of the Underworld front and center, and for an episode that seems to be for the most part all about the complicated relationship between him and Rumpelstiltskin. Unsurprisingly, Hades is a fan! He could orchestrate some sort of deal with Rumple, and if there is one thing that we’ve come to learn for certain about Robert Carlyle’s character on the show, it is this: The man loves deals, and as a result is willing to do almost everything that he can to orchestrate them. The dynamic between these two should be very fun.

For those looking for a synopsis, we’ll have a separate article on that in the next day or two. ABC tends to take their time with these.

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