‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: The comedy of errors

Big Brother -Over the course of “Big Brother Canada” the first three seasons, we’ve had a chance to see a number of really strong, interesting female players come in and dominate a certain aspect of the game. Jillian was a physical beast in season 1, Neda was a mastermind in season 2, and Sarah was one of the best social players we’ve seen in some time. The folks in casting have done an amazing job pushing this show past the U.S. version for casting women who don’t just fall into archetypes.

We do think that they tried the same thing for season 4 … but it’s really not working out. Instead, we’re seeing one of the weakest crops of female players we’ve seen in some time. Take, for example, Loveita still being on the defensive over some really awful / baffling nominations of Cassandra and Christine. Nobody really understands them. It feels like Cassandra made a joke about her winning and Loveita took that as the biggest slight ever.

If Cassandra actually goes this week, it’s going to be a GIANT shame. She’s probably the best female player this season, and she’s pretty entertaining to go along with it. The problem is that she’s now in a position where she really needs to win Veto for herself, since otherwise people may be too scored to use it on her. For example, Jared wouldn’t want to risk Kelsey being backdoored.

One other person who is feeling a little bit of heat all of a sudden is Joel, who is being accused of being either a puppetmaster or partner-in-crime. That’s not great for Joel, who for some time was in a super-great spot and playing well. The best thing that he can hope for is that somehow Loveita’s Head of Household reign ends sooner rather than later … and then she’s put up on the block and sent home. After all, she’s already shown that she’s not someone who is going to be around a long time.

You can see some more “Big Brother Canada” highlights from last night, including our appearance on RHAP, over at this link. Also, sign up over here to get some other TV news on everything we cover, sent right over to you via our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Global.)

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