Ratings: ‘Agents of SHIELD,’ ‘The Real O’Neals’ plummet; ‘Limitless’ falls; ‘Fresh Off the Boat’ up

The sound you may be hearing right now is ABC pounding its head against the closest wall. The ratings are in for Tuesday night’s lineup, and they are not good other than a half-hour comedy that was already renewed and really did not need any sort of extra love.

The good news – Well, at least ABC has “Fresh Off the Boat,” right? With a 1.4 rating in the 18-49 demographic, the show has posted a marked improvement over its most-recent installment. “The Voice” also won the night with a 3.1, not that it had any real competition to be worried about here.

The bad news – This is where things start to get a little bit crazy. The midseason premiere of “Agents of SHIELD” drew a woeful 1.1 rating, which is enough to think that the network may be wondering if they really did the right thing renewing this show already for a fourth season. “The Real O’Neals” also plummeted down to a 1.1 for its first airing outside of the Wednesday comedy block. We’re a little surprised particularly by the “SHIELD” number, but we also figure at the same time that the long hiatus, coupled with people not realizing that this was the return date for the show, likely played a big part.

Also, the latest episode of “Limitless” on CBS hardly did much to impress us with a 1.0 rating. While we’re not pressing the panic button on anything when it comes to primetime TV at the moment, we are afraid for the ratings the rest of the spring.

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