‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: The Veto Ceremony and more from the day

Sharry -We’re not going to pretend that Monday was a super-eventful day in the “Big Brother Canada 4” house, mostly because we have not had feeds for a good majority of it. At this particular point in time, we’ve started to realize that there is little to no sense in complaining about it anymore.

The big news came from earlier in the day, when Christine at the Veto Ceremony opted to not use the PoV, leaving Loveita and Sharry on the block. These two ladies have gone about trying to campaign for themselves to stick around in the game, but we’d say for the most part that we haven’t seen anything definite just yet. We know that Kelsey wants out Loveita, and we still think most other players in the game are still flexible. We do like what Mitch said earlier in the day to Dallas, at least in that if Loveita stays, that is someone who will be a target for her and Jared over almost anyone else. That may be reason enough to fight for her to stay, while Sharry may be a little bit of a better social player … at least if Loveita leaves.

It’s still too early to tell what’s happening here for sure, so let’s just move on for now.

Elsewhere, we saw a laundry-themed task today where Cassandra and Joel managed to earn the other houseguests a pizza party by doing something that we’re guessing was sponsored by Oxi Clean. (In-show advertising galore!) We feel like the party may be the reason the feeds are being blocked tonight…but we’ve already said we’re not going to bicker about that. Update: They have come online now with booze and more, but we’ll be back with more on that tomorrow.

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