‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Isolated overnight drama
The Veto Ceremony is coming up on “Big Brother Canada” a little bit later tonight, and for the time being it feels reasonably clear what is going to happen: Christine is not going to use it, and as a result of that either Sharry or Loveita will go home.
For the time being, it feels like we are staring another split vote in the face here. When it comes to the dominant group in power led by Jared, Kelsey, and Raul, they want to get rid of Loveita at the moment because they recognize her to be the more dangerous player remaining in the game. Sharry just doesn’t have the same sort of social connections to some of the rest of the players. Meanwhile, this is what makes Maddy, Dallas, and Ramsey (who could somehow still work together despite all of the Dallas / Ramsey drama as of late) want to do everything that they can to ensure that Loveita stays. She’s someone who could help them in the long run.
There was some more Nikki drama in the game last night, as she has started to her people talking about her behind her back and she doesn’t like it. Therefore, there’s more talk of her wanting to leave, though whether or not she actually does is something that remains to be seen. For the time, we feel like it’s rather doubtful and it is just something she says. Tim also proclaimed that he could get Christine to use the Veto, but we’re not sure that he will.
For the time being, Tim and Nikki aren’t interested in picking sides. They plan on just casting a vote each way to cancel each other out.
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