‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: Who won the Power of Veto?
If you’re new to the “Big Brother Canada” live feeds this season, then there’s something that you are probably getting really accustomed to now: Long outages on the live feeds over the weekend. This is one of the reasons why they’re free, people! It’s just how this show likes to do things.
Well, the feeds came back close to 12:45 a.m. Big Brother Time, and they revealed that it was a Veto with some sort of prize attached to it. Who won? We don’t have 100% confirmation yet, but given that Loveita and Sharry were disappointed by the results, it’s fair to say that neither one of them ended up pulling off a last-ditch move to save themselves. Also, this prevents a situation where Loveita takes Sharry off the block, something that was at least temporarily discussed by her during the week.
Update: We’ve now got the confirmation we were hoping for: Christine is your Veto winner, and she also got $10,000 from The Brick to go along with it. We didn’t exactly see this one coming, but it is a nice way for her to show some power in the house, and to try to get some respect from the other players as someone to watch.
Will she use it? It’s doubtful. If Loveita and Sharry remain up for eviction, we imagine the dominant group in the house (Kelsey, Jared, and Raul are really ruling the kingdom this week seemingly) will determine who they want gone. Strategically, it makes more sense to get rid of Sharry since she seems to have a little more fight between the two of them at this point in the game.
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