‘Pretty Little Liars’ season 6 spoilers: The latest on show’s twin twist


Twins have always been something that existed within the world of “Pretty Little Liars” at one point or another, even if we’re talking about the books more so than the show. One of the most-common fan theories out there has constantly been that there was a set of twins in this world, even if this was never revealed to actually be the case. The closest thing that we’ve had is Charlotte DiLaurentis actually being Charles.

However, things are changing at the end of this season. You may have already already that there will be a twin reveal coming up this season, and show creator Marlene King revealed on Twitter last night that this particular reveal will come by the end of this season. As for whether or not we’ve seen this person before, early indications are that we have!

So what does this mean for the Liars? It’s potentially another threat that they have to deal with; not only that, but it’s possible that one of them could have a twin that we’ve never known about. Our guess is that this is probably tied to a pretty-major character, and if it’s not them, it is certainly possible that it could be someone like a Caleb, a Toby, or some other male character. It’s something that will be to watch, and something we may investigate a little bit more before we get around to the big reveal. Personally, we feel like this is a twist best saved for the finale.

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