‘The Flash’ season 2, episode 12 video: Is Jesse Quick about to be truly born?

FlashThe moment that we learned that Harrison Wells’ daughter on “The Flash” was named Jesse, it was easy to make the Jesse Quick comparisons. This comic-book character is a female speedster, and it certainly looks as though Wells (who is not a comic character) is rather interested in finding a way to give her powers on the show … or at least this is our interpretation of the sneak peek below.

Based on what we are seeing here, Harry has figured out a way to basically extract some speed force from The Flash’s battle against Tar Pit, which he places inside a tiny vial before saying “you’re coming up” in reference to his daughter. We know to date that one of his primary motives has been metaphorically “fattening up” Barry with speed to give him over to Zoom, but it seems more now like he’s going rogue.

If he’s not giving this to his daughter, another theory is that maybe this is what he plans to give Jay Garrick in an effort to get some of his own speed back. Granted, we don’t necessarily see the direct correlation between Jay getting his speed back and Jesse being saved, but we’re not ruling anything out.

The truth is, there are a wide array of different interpretations one can have to this sneak peek. The idea of Jesse Quick being born is just the one that comes to mind the quickest, probably because of our own hope to eventually see this character pop up. There are a wide array of potential speedsters this season; we haven’t even begun to talk about Wally West, who we know also has an affinity for at least driving fast.

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