‘The Amazing Race 28’ spotlight: Will Burnie Burns, Ashley Jenkins deliver for Rooster Teeth?
While we’ve covered “The Amazing Race” extensively for many years, spotlights of the individual teams is not something that we’ve done before now. Why change things up for this season? The answer to that is ultimately rather simple: There is a much-larger footprint that is out there for many of these teams than there has been in the past. Usually we just don’t know enough about who people are beforehand, but thanks to the competitors this time being public figures, it’s certainly a little bit different to do a little research and figure it out.
With that said, let’s start the series off today with Burnie Burns and Ashley Jenkins, a team best known for their work at Rooster Teeth.
Relationship – Dating couple / members of the Rooster Teeth family.
Claim to fame – Rooster Teeth is a community with millions upon millions of followers across several different social-media platforms, with a focus on original content, news, and comedy pertaining to the worlds of gaming, TV, and other related media. It’s interesting that despite having many similar interests, we’ve never really been much of a Rooster Teeth follower. We were at least aware of them going into the show, which is something that we cannot say about all of the other teams.
Strengths – Given their interests and their experience, they are probably used to taking on analytical challenges. Much of the show is problem-solving and knowing how to make quick decisions; we feel like they are going to be better-equipped to handle some of these situations than some other people on this season will. There are also a lot of people this season in their twenties, and having both Burnie and Ashley remember a time before smartphones and the internet (as they mention in the video below) will probably allow them to have an easier time being disconnected from that world.
Burnie & Ashley are an example of a couple who definitely knows each other well. They’ve dated for years, and also live and work together. They’re not going on this show to see “if their relationship can handle it.” They know that it can, and can use that experience to overcome problems rather quickly.
Weaknesses – They’re probably not going to be fastest team out there, and we also don’t exactly know what their athletic ability is. While we’re not saying that this is a season stuffed with top-tier athletes, there may be some who can power through some strength challenges. They’ll need to ensure that they pick the right Detour and stick to it.
Prediction – We don’t have many weaknesses listed for Burnie & Ashley mostly because we think they are pretty well-positioned. While they are a part of a social-media phenomenon, we don’t get the sense that their entire lives are about being stars on the internet. They should be able to adjust to life on the race easily, and Ashley’s history in competitive gaming suggests that they are going to play this race hard. So long as they limit mistakes and don’t have any bad luck (this always happens to a few teams), they could be around for a while this season.
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