‘Game of Thrones’ season 6 releases all-new Twitter teasers

LogoThis is the time in which we give credit to HBO for coming up with something that is, by our estimation, rather awesome when it comes to how to promote “Game of Thrones” season 6 many months before the show is going to premiere on April 24.

If you look below, we’ve got for you the teasers that the network is sending out to people who swear allegiance to #HouseStark, #HouseLannister, or #HouseTargaryan. We posted our allegiance to all three houses on Twitter, but for some reason only got two of the videos back. With that said, we did still get the third from another source just so we can have a perfect trio here. None of them are the most spoiler-ridden in the world, and simply just show a quote, a flag, and a little bit of season 6 dialouge.

Clearly, HBO is not ready to show off a full trailer just yet, but this is the next best thing: A way to drive major social-media traffic to your show, knowing that there is a very good chance that this could be the largest season that you have had to date just in terms of the numbers alone. We are very interested to see what the show decides to do with it, especially when you consider that season 6 is going to be the first one to not really have the luxury of any George R.R. Martin source material out in bookstores beforehand.

We’ll have some other news when it comes to the show in due time. As noted, we’ve got a few months…

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